Today we will finally get to see the beginning of The Block Elsternwick and what it will turn out to be. We now know what all the houses look like and are desperately awaiting there arrival onto The Block. Keep reading to see all the before pics and some never before seen inside pictures! HOUSE NO. 1 House No.1 is located on the left hand side of The Block and is the closest house to the fence. It will be the only house on The Block to have 3 Gables in the roof. The colour scheme at the moment is a light grey and white window framing but during the renovation it will be taken back to being Vivid White as will all the other houses. This house was relocated from 25 Northern Avenue, Brighton East. Source: @myneighbours_theblock2017 Instagram HOUSE NO. 2 House 2 was recently bought in after House 1 and is the house that we know the least about. The house is white with green accents around the window framings. In its past location it would've been located at ...