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Showing posts from May, 2015

More Saville Pics Part 2!

I have just been to The Block Vampire Hotel and have a load of pics to share with you all. By the way McCafe are back.

The Block Vampire Hotel Contestants Leaked!

We now know that some half of the contestants on The Block Vampire Hotel are Luke, Suzi, Whitney and Carol. If you know any more information please go onto our forum.

We finally have a name!

Thanks to G Major on Instagram we now know that The next Block season is called The Block Vampire Hotel. Please discuss your thoughts of this on the forum.

Forum Now Open!

Thanks to a lot of hard working people we now have The Blockinator Forum. Please sign up. This is where the button is located. Thanks everybody and get posting

Hotel Saville Mystery Letters.

Thanks again to FroggerSquared on Whirlpool Forums who says that they have strange numbers and letters written on the western side of the building. If anyone has any information please comment. EDIT: Information has since surfaced that It is pure graffiti.

False Alarm

Thanks to FroggerSquared on Whirlpool Forums who after seeing their activity he can now say that filming will start next week. Sorry Everyone for the confusion.😁😁😁😁😁

More Saville Photos!

Production has started at Hotel Saville

Production has officially started at Hotel Saville Soutth Yarra. Pictures have recently emerged on the Internet channel nine putting up the scaffold.